
"Batman V Superman" releases 5 more exclusive stills

Both Gotham and Metropolis will be damaged badly as the caped crusader take on the son of Krypton.

The two DC heroes are on this month's cover of Empire and brand new stills from the blockbuster are included.

It is obvious that the heroes will fight one another, but what you might not know is that Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne will also be at loggerheads as the investigative journalist trails Gotham's vigilante. Surely this conflict only results in chaos.

Apart from the heroes going at each other, there is another problem as a powerful creature steps in. DC will be introducing one of their most iconic and powerful villains, Doomsday. Director Zack Snyder mentioned, "He is essentially an unstoppable force. He poses a real threat to the world within the film."

"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" is set for a 24 March 2016 release in cinemas nationwide.

The two heroes go head to head as well as their alter egos.
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