
Adam Sandler is Forbes' Overpaid Actor again

Adam Sandler in "Blended".

25 Dec – The good folks over at Forbes have whipped out their calculators once again to present the world with the list of Hollywood's Most Overpaid Actor 2014.

According to Forbes, they looked at the last three movies made by Hollywood's biggest names and calculated what they were paid and what the movies earned. This will lead to the result, which is a return of investment number for each of the stars.

Adam Sandler comes out on top with the lowest return figure; giving an average of USD3.2 for every USD1 he was paid.

Sandler could be topping the list again next year, seeing that he currently has 5 movies lined up for 2015: "Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2", "Pixels", "Hotel Transylvania 2", "Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser" and "Hello Ghost".

Here are the other actors that make the Top 5 of the most overpaid list:

First runner-up Johnny Depp returns USD4.10 for every USD1 paid, making him overpaid
for "The Lone Ranger", among others.

"The Watch" is one of the flops second runner-up Ben Stiller, who returns USD4.80
for every USD1, gets overpaid for.

Ryan Reynolds returns USD4.90 for every USD1 paid and lands fourth place for being
overpaid for "R.I.P.D."

"Cloud Atlas" actor Tom Hanks returns USD5.20 for every USD1 paid, placing him fifth
on the overpaid actor list.
