
"Wolverine 3" is not going to be PG

"Wolverine 3" will not be PG.

10 May – If you're enamoured with Deadpool's R-rated vibe and wish that more superhero movies will go the same route, here's good news for you – "Wolverine 3" has been confirmed to carry the R rating.

"It is an R-rated movie," said producer Simon Kinberg, according to Collider. "It's violent, it's kind of like a western in its tone. It's just a very cool, different film."

Already somewhat a sombre character to begin with, the "X-Men" producer further revealed that Wolverine in his third standalone movie is "a very radical, bold, different Wolverine than you've ever seen in any of these movies."

This news may not be much of a surprise to Wolverine fans as it is known that director James Mangold previously shot both R-rated and PG versions of 2013 sequel, "The Wolverine", though ultimately went with the PG-rating to be on the safe side as most R-rated movies didn't tend to shine on the silver screen back then.

Meanwhile, when asked whether Patrick Stewart will really be co-starring in the movie, Kinberg replied, "I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say about that. I will agree with you that Patrick Stewart was rumored to be a part of that film."

In "Wolverine 3", Hugh Jackman returns as the titular mutant superhero, portraying the character for one last time in the third solo vehicle for Logan/Wolverine in the "X-Men" series.

"Wolverine 3" has already begun filming and is slated for release in cinemas in March 2017.

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