
"Fast and Furious" spinoff movie confirmed!

After months of speculations and Insta-feuds, Luke Hobbs is finally getting his spinoff movie.

6 Oct – Tyrese Gibson is back at it again, going 'Fast and Furious' with his Instagram rants.

Posted yesterday alongside a picture of "Fast and Furious 9's" new release date, Gibson sarcastically congratulates Dwayne Johnson and his producing partner Hiram Garcia for producing a Luke Hobbs' spinoff movie, as well as blaming them for the ninth instalment's delay.

"#FastFamily right? Nah..... it's about #TeamDewayne #3yrs will it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch? Guys guys just relax I'm just a passionate film critic," Gibson posted on his Instagram, evidently nettled that his previous rant asking Johnson to not do a spinoff had no effect on the latter.

The post came ahead of Universal Pictures' announcement that a "Fast and Furious" spinoff movie will be released in North America on 26 July 2019, starring Johnson and Jason Statham, The Hollywood Reporter revealed.

Gibson later uploaded a photo of "The Fast and the Furious" cast, calling out The Rock as a clown for breaking up the Fast Family with his solo movie.

Gibson also spilled that he and Ludacris, along with Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, have all been offered a spinoff but turned it down to keep the Fast Family together.

Another co-star, Vin Diesel, also subtly joined in the feud with him posting a photo of himself with Gibson and the late Paul Walker on his Instagram, captioning it with the word "Brotherhood".

Yesterday, the studio announced that the ninth instalment of the franchise will be delayed for a year with new release date set on 10 April 2020. Although no reasons were given, it is possible that the original 2019 slot was cleared to accommodate Hobbs' spinoff project.

Related Movies:
Fast And Furious 8 (13 Apr 2017)
Fast And Furious 7 (02 Apr 2015)
Fast And Furious 6 (23 May 2013)
Fast And Furious 5 (05 May 2011)
FAST AND FURIOUS 4 (09 Apr 2009)

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