
Tom Cruise's injury halts "MI:6" production

Tom Cruise's injury on the "Mission: Impossible 6" set turns out to be a broken ankle.

17 Aug – "Mission Impossible 6" director Christopher McQuarrie announces that the movie production will go on a hiatus following its lead Tom Cruise's injury on set.

It is expected that the production will be halted from between six weeks to three months in order to let the actor recover from his injury, according to Variety.

The unfortunate incident captured on a video footage shows Cruise jumping off one roof and onto another. Only that instead of landing safely on the opposite site, he instead crashed into its wall, seemingly in pain as he sunk to his knees after the take was done.

Despite early speculation of Cruise misjudging his leap, McQuarrie reveals through an interview with Empire that the crash was actually intended to be so; the injury however was never part of the plan.

"He was always supposed to slam into the side of the building. That's what gives the stunt its energy. He was completely safe the entire time he was doing that. He was padded.

"On the fourth try (however), he hit the building at a slightly different angle and he broke his ankle. He knew the instant that he hit the building that his ankle was broken. You can see it on his face." McQuarrie explains about the stunt.

Cruise seen crashing into the building while performing his stunt (Photo Source: ABC News)

Despite breaking his ankle, the franchise's Ethan Hunt kept his professionalism and powered through the shot. It was only when he knew he was off-camera that he went down succumbing to the pain, in order to preserve the take.

Fans, however, shouldn't have much to worry about since the hiatus will not affect the film's release date, as the "Edge of Tomorrow" helmer confirmed through his Twitter that the movie will still be on track for its opening in July 2018 and that he will use the hiatus as a shift over to editorial.

"I now have to move heaven and earth to make sure that the shot is in the movie. We went to all that effort to get it. It's a pretty fantastic shot," McQuarrie added.

While it may be a while before Cruise can be seen in "Mission: Impossible 6", fans can catch him soon in "American Made", an action film by Doug Liman about a pilot who works for the CIA, landing in cinemas this 25 August in Cambodia and 31 August in Malaysia and Singapore.

(Photo source: Andrew Toth | Getty Images)

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