10 May – Despite it facing many development issues, the third "Bad Boys" movie might still be happening after all as a confirmed release date has already been scheduled. Sony Pictures has dated the third entry in the "Bad Boys" franchise, titled "Bad Boys for Life", for release on 17 January 2020 with a possible production starting this August, according to Screen Rant. Talks of a sequel to "Bad Boys II" have been going on since its release in 2003 but the movie suffered from development hell over the years, with directors joining and leaving the multi-million budgeted project. Now, the studio behind the movie is hiring Belgian directing duo Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah to helm the project that will bring stars Will Smith and Martin Lawrence back together for another ride-or-die mission. This will mark the biggest movie the directors will ever work on after directing smaller movies like "Image", "Black", and their most recent movie, "Gangsta".