
Pink Ranger Naomi Scott is a Charlie's Angel

Naomi Scott is set to star as one of the new Charlie's Angels.

2 Jul – More than a year ago, it was announced that a new "Charlie's Angels" reboot is in the works. Now we have updates on who are being eyed to star as the titular 'angels'.

The latest name to be thrown into the mix is Naomi Scott, most known for her role as the Pink Ranger in last year's "Power Rangers".

The Hashtag Show reported that Scott already confirmed to play one of the trio that makes up the Angels. She will be starring alongside Kirsten Stewart and Lupita Nyong'o, though the latter is still in talks for the movie.

There is no news yet who will be voicing Charlie, the trio's boss who only relays his order via voice messages and never showed himself to them.

Elizabeth Banks will be directing the reboot and will reportedly play the character Bos.

Production is expected to begin this September in Berlin and scheduled to wrap up by January next year, to make it for its planned release date of July 2019.

The original "Charlie's Angels" started out as a TV series that later received film reboots in 2000 and 2003, both movies starring Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore.

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