13 Jul – The sky's the limit for "Skyscraper" actor Chin Han, who has recently received an invitation to join the body that oversees the prestigious Academy Awards. "The movement towards diversity is very welcome and I feel grateful as an actor to be living in this time," says the Singaporean star, as quoted by The Straits Times. He was nominated by two members, veteran actress Lisa Lu ("Crazy Rich Asians") and the late Elizabeth Sung, who acted in movies like "Joy Luck Club" – alongside Lu – and "Memoirs of A Geisha". There are 17 branches of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences and for Chin Han to be invited into the Actor branch, aside from being nominated by current members, he is also assessed based on the distinctions earned and amount of credited work he has done. Chin Han has been active as an actor since the late '90s, working in stage, TV and movie productions.