20 Sep – Aishwarya Rai recently shared the good news that her upcoming Tamil movie, "Ponniyin Selvan" (stylised "PS-1") has now wrapped up filming. The actress shared the good news on 19 September, posting a concept poster of the said movie with the words "Filming complete" written across it.
Directed by Mani Ratnam, the upcoming period movie is based on the popular historical novel of the same name by Kalki Krishnamurthy. Aside from Aishwarya, it also stars Vikram, Karthi, Trisha Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, Jayam Ravi and Aishwarya Lekshmi, with music by AR Rahman. This will be Ash's fourth movie with Mani Ratnam, with their last collaboration being the 2010's "Raavan".