1 Nov – After more than three weeks in the facility, Shah Rukh Khan's eldest son Aryan Khan can finally rejoice to be leaving the central Mumbai Arthur Road prison. The 23-year-old, who was arrested in early October by the Narcotics Control Bureau during a drug raid on a cruise ship off the city coast, was seen leaving with a convoy of cars around 11.30am two days after Mumbai High Court granted him bail.
Aside from Aryan, the bail conditions are also applied on Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha, who were granted bail along with him. Prior to his release, it was revealed that actress Juhi Chawla, who is also a long-time friend and business partner of his father Shah Rukh Khan, signed a Rs 1 lakh bond as a surety. "I'm just happy that it's all over and Aryan Khan will come home very soon. I think it's a big relief for everybody," she said.