26 Aug – Ma Anand Sheela seems to be singing a different tune about the rumoured two biopics about her life, stating that she hopes that they will be able to feature something else rather than her scandal.
In a previous interview, the opinionated Sheela stated that she prefers having Alia playing her instead of Priyanka, saying that the former looked a bit like her when she was young. "I asked my sister, 'Did I look like her when I was young? Do you remember'? And she said, 'Yes, you do'. I feel she has the spunk in her that I had. Spunk is very necessary and it is very natural, it is not artificial, not cosmetic, it is genuine." Sheela became popular again in recent years following the release of the Netflix documentary, "Wild Wild Country", which revolves around the Indian guru Bhaghwan Shree Rajneesh, and their community of followers in the Rajneeshpuram community located in Wasco County, Oregon, US.