29 Jun - Akihito Tsukushi's manga series, "Made in Abyss" is next in line to receive a feature adaptation. The series, which has been adapted into an anime TV series and a sequel film in 2017, will be adapted by Kevin McMullin for Roy Lee's Vertigo Entertainment, which will be producing along with Masi Oka's Mobius Productions. It is noted that Vertigo and Mobius previously worked together on the live-action projects, "Death Note", with the latter producing adaptations of "The Promised Neverland" and "Attack on Titan".
On the other hand, McMullin had previously written and directed the feature film, "Low Tide". "Made in Abyss" tells the story of the orphan girl Riko, who goes on an adventure alongside her robot friend Reg as she seeks to find her mother who's presumed dead after descending into a giant hole deep in the earth called the Abyss.