22 Oct – Rani Mukerji's upcoming new movie, "Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway" has now wrapped up filming, making it one step closer to its release. The news was recently announced by production company, Emmay Entertainment, which shared a photo of the actress following the wrap-up, and the caption reading, "And, it's a wrap already! Feels like we had just started shooting for #MrsChatterjeeVsNorway. We can't wait for the film to hit the theatres now!"
The movie, directed by Ashima Chibber, is based on a true story that took place on 2011. Indian couple Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya's two young children were removed from their homes by the Norwegian welfare services on the grounds that the couple had failed to care for them properly. Anurup was working as a geologist there. The two children were in foster care for eight months, with the welfare services stating that the couple did not bring up their children properly as they "fed the children with their hands and the infants slept in the same bed as the parents" - despite it being a normal tradition in an Indian household. The incident had caused a diplomatic row between Norway and India. Said the director, "Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway is an inspirational story about a mother fighting a country for her children and I went through a rollercoaster of emotions shooting this film," said Rani in a statement. "I had an amazing time shooting with my producers Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, Nikkhil Advani, Zee Studios and director Ashima Chibber and I'm hoping that this film will resonate with everyone who wants to see an entertainer with a brilliant concept at its fore."