17 Nov – Rajinikanth recently admitted that the movie "Viswasam" was the reason how he ended up working with director Siva on his hit new movie, "Annaatthe". The Tamil superstar shared the story about their collaboration in a recent post shared on Twitter, saying that he was curious about "Viswasam" after both his movie "Petta" and the said Ajith-starrer were released during the same time in 2019, according to The News Minute.
"He said that I should play the lead in a film that has a good story like "Muthu", "Annamalai" and "Padayappa" and that it's been a long time since I have appeared as a villager," said Rajinikanth, who then asked Siva to come up with a script with a similar concept. Siva came back 12 days later with one. "He only asked for two-and-half hours of my time and three bottles of water. After he completed the narration, I started crying and hugged him. I said I want him to make the film exactly like the narration and he promised that it would be even better." Saying that the director really did what he promised, Rajinikanth said that he would never forget the experience of working on the set of "Annaatthe". The film, which was released on Deepavali, co-stars Meena, Khushbo, Nayanthara, Jackie Shroff and many others.