8 Sep – Aishwarya Rai recently expressed elation that she is able to work with Mani Ratnam again on the upcoming epic, "Ponniyin Selvan". The actress, who attended the launch of the film's trailer and audio in Chennai recently, said it was an honour to be given the opportunity to play the role of Queen Nandini in such a big project.
She was also full of praises for all the cast and crew, saying how happy she is to celebrate the momentous occasion that includes the collaboration between Mani Ratnam and music producer AR Rahman. "I had the privilege of working with them at the beginning of my career and here I am today again as part of Ponniyin Selvan, celebrating this momentous occasion," she said. It is noted that Ash made her film debut through Mani Ratnam's political drama, "Iruvar", which also had its soundtrack composed by AR Rahman.