19 Aug – With many of the '90s top stars' children now are joining Bollywood, fans are waiting for the debut of Nysa Devgn - daughter of Kajol and Ajay Devgn. There have already been rumours of the 19-year-old making her first movie circulating online, but according to dad Ajay, Nysa has not made up her mind yet.
Ajay also stated that it is pointless to speculate now. "These are bridges you cross when you come to them. You cannot discuss this a day too early or a day too late. It will be Nysa's decision all the way," he added. Ajay himself admitted that his father, the late action director Veeru Devgan wanted him to be in movies, that it was the former's dream to see him on the big screen. "My father was a self-made man, who became a legend. I have seen him work really hard to get to where he reached. And, till the end of his life, he respected his profession and his fellow workers. He was also a family-oriented man and he provided us with the best. If I am able to follow in his footsteps, I will be happy. It is all I can ask for," he said.