7 Nov – Alia Bhatt recently announced that she has given birth to her first child. On 6 November, the Bollywood star posted an illustration of a family of lions that bears the message, "And in the best news of our lives: Our baby is here... and what a magical girl she is."
Among those who congratulated Alia and actor husband Ranbir Kapoor are Akshay Kumar, Sonam Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan, and Anil Kapoor, the latter who also recently welcomed his first grandchild. "Such thrilling news. Congratulations to you Alia and Ranbir. Couldn't be happier for you both," the actor wrote. But it was Deepika Padukone, who also previously dated Ranbir in the past, whose comment got the most attention, despite only posting a simple, "Congratulations!" The couple, who tied the knot in April this year after five years of romance, announced the pregnancy in June.