26 May – Alia Bhatt recently announced that her upcoming film, "Darlings" will be released on Netflix. On 25 May, the actress posted a hilarious video on Instagram, in which neither she nor the cast of the said movie would respond to questions whether the movie will be part of the streaming giant's line-up.
It is noted that the upcoming film marks the first time that she produces a movie via her production house, Eternal Sunshine Productions. It is also co-produced alongside Shah Rukh Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment. The said film is also the first film for writer Jasmeet K Reen as a director, and stars Alia herself alongside Shefali Shah, Vijay Varma and Roshan Mathew. On the other hand, Alia, who tied the knot with boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor last month, is currently shooting her Hollywood debut, "Heart of Stone" alongside Gal Gadot. Watch the video here:
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A post shared by Alia Bhatt 🤍☀️ (@aliaabhatt)