3 Jan – Despite the recent and unexpected passing of Betty White, the producers of the documentary, "Betty White: 100 Years Young" recently announced that they will still go on with the plan to screen the said work on White's 100th birthday on 17 January 2022 in selected theatres in the US. Producers Steve Boettcher and Mike Trinklein recently expressed, "Our hearts mourn today with the passing of Betty White. During the many years we worked with her, we developed a great love and admiration for Betty as a person, and as an accomplished entertainer."
The said documentary will include highlights from "The Golden Girls" star's TV career, the inside stories of her life, as well as funniest moments from her shows and movies. It will feature a number of celebrities who would talk about her career, including actor Ryan Reynolds, comedienne Tina Fey, veteran stars Robert Redford and Clint Eastwood, as well as late night show hosts Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Kimmel. Betty White passed away on 31 December at the age of 99, a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday.