24 Jun – It was reported that Deepika Padukone is set to reunite with Shah Rukh Khan in his upcoming movie, though only via a cameo appearance. According to Pinkvilla, the "Chennai Express" actress will guest star in the Atlee-helmed movie, "Jawan", which co-stars Nayanthara.
The two parties reportedly met in Hyderabad where SRK was filming the movie and Deepika shooting her ambitious project, "Project K". "Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee met the actress and even discussed the dynamics of her character as also the shoot dates. Everything should be on paper in a fortnight," the source added. Deepika and SRK have worked in a variety of movies together, including "Happy New Year" and "Om Shanti Om". The two will also be seen together in another one of SRK's upcoming movies, "Pathan", co-starring John Abraham.