
Paul Dano reminds the Riddler cosplayers to skip the clingwrap

Do not try this at home, fans
Do not try this at home, fans

8 Mar – Paul Dano has a public service message out there for all you cosplayers - do not ever follow his lead in portraying the Riddler.

The actor, who plays the said supervillain in Matt Reeves' "The Batman", shared in an interview with Jimmy Fallon about his inspiration behind the costume for the Riddler - saying that he wanted his character to have a more "homegrown" costume seeing that he is not like the other supervillains.

"He still needs to be able to go out in the day, so I couldn't shave all the hair off my body," Dano said. "So, I had this idea of like wrapping myself in - I have to call it cling wrap because I think the Saran people don't want any legal association with my Riddler."

Paul Dano plays the Riddler in "The Batman"

"I wrapped myself in cling wrap, which kind of looks scary with the light and I thought, 'Okay. Now, I'm not going to shed any hairs here on these crime scenes."

Although his idea was loved by the director, Dano immediately realised on the first day of filming that it was very tight and that he was unable to sweat in the cling wrap.

The next day, however, the crew began to poke some holes in the cling wrap so that his head "could breathe" and things became a little better for Dano.

"I might as well take this opportunity to offer a disclaimer to any Halloween costumers or cosplay fans out there. Maybe skip the cling wrap," he said.

Related Movies:
The Batman (03 Mar 2022)

Dailymotion article page COSG

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