21 Mar – After making a splash playing The Riddler in Matt Reeves' "The Batman", it was revealed that Paul Dano is writing the spin-off comic based on the said character. The news was announced by the official Twitter account of "The Batman", stating, "A new Riddler comic book hits the store this October with "Riddler: Year One". Written by Paul Dano, unmask your first look here and see #TheBatman only in theatres now."
It is noted that this is not the first time that a celebrity wrote a comic based on the film they were in. Recently, it was revealed that Jim Carrey would be writing a Sonic the Hedgehog comic based on his Dr Robotnik, while Danny DeVito previously wrote a Penguin story for November's Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1 anthology one-shot. A six-issue bimonthly DC Black Label series with art by acclaimed European illustrator Stevan Subic, this series explores the background of how accountant Edward Nashton went from a simple Gotham City nobody to becoming Batman's nemesis, setting them on a collision course in the blockbuster feature film.