4 Nov – If there is one thing Shah Rukh Khan can always show off, it's the undying support of his fans, who gathered in front of his house in Mumbai to celebrate his birthday. The Bollywood star, who turns 57 on 2 November, recently posted a photo of him from the balcony of his sea-facing mansion, with a huge number of fans gathering below, writing, "It's so lovely to live in front of the sea... the sea of love that spreads all around me on my birthday..."
The actor also made a visit to St. Andrews college on his birthday, and entertained the audiences by dancing to the song "Chaiyya Chaiyya" as fans hooted and cheered. He also celebrated the day by cutting a cake. Fans and friends alike took to the comments to wish him a happy birthday, including Ranveer Singh, who posted, "Happy birthday, King!"