26 Aug – After much speculations, Tamil star Suriya finally confirmed his upcoming 42nd film. On 24 August, the actor shared a photo of him with director Siruthai Siva, and wrote, "Shoot begins... Need all your blessings... #Suriya42"
It was also reported that the film will be made in two parts on a massive budget with Disha Patani playing the female lead. Siva's last directorial effort was the Rajinikanth-starrer, "Annaatthe", which emerged as one of the highest grossing Tamil movies of 2021. Suriya was most recently seen playing a cameo role in Kamal Haasan's "Vikram" and Madhavan's "Rocketry: The Nambi Effect". He also starred in "Etharkkum Thunindhavan", directed by Pandiraj.