23 Aug – Nearly a month after apologising again for his behaviour at the 2022 Academy Awards, Will Smith is now testing waters as he tries to return to social media. On 20 August, the "King Richard" actor shares a meme of a baby gorilla poking a larger adult gorilla before running away as the latter swatted it away, with the caption on the video that read, "Me trying to get back on social."
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A post shared by JEI @ JEIFM (@jeifm)
Back in July, Smith posted a video on social media to respond to questions about the incident back in March, in which he charged up onto the Oscar stage and slapped comedian Chris Rock for making a joke about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith. "I've reached out to Chris and the message that came back is he's not ready to talk, and when he is, he will reach out. So, I will say to you, Chris, I apologise to you. My behaviour was unacceptable and I'm here whenever you're ready to talk." He also apologised to Rock's mother and family, saying that he realised how many people he hurt by his action.