2 May – Ajith Kumar is set to begin filming his new movie soon, as the producers recently revealed the title of the actor's next project. On 1 May, as the actor celebrated his 52nd birthday, Lyca Productions tweeted a birthday wish and revealed the first poster to his upcoming film.
It also added that the upcoming project will be directed by Magizh Thirumeni. This is Ajith's sixth movie in recent years to have a title that begins with the letter V, following 2014's "Veeram", 2015's "Vedalam", 2017th "Vivegam", 2019's "Viswasam", and 2022's "Valimai". Not much has been revealed about "Vidaa Muyarchi" except that it will be another action flick. Ajith was last seen in the 2023 movie, "Thunivu", sporting a full white hair, playing a bank robber with various names.