
"Barbie" surpasses two "Avengers" movies in box office record

I'm all pink and sweet, and rock the box office
I'm all pink and sweet, and rock the box office

20 Sep – It looks like the blond doll continues to dominate, as it has now surpassed the Marvel superheroes to become the 11th highest grossing US movie of all time.

The Greta Gerwig film has recently added more digits to its US box office numbers, amassing USD 626 million and officially leaving "The Avengers" (USD 623 million) in their pink dust.

However, it will need another USD 30 million if it is to get to the top 10, as the tenth position is currently held by "Jurassic World" at USD 653 million.

By the hammer of Thor, we lost to Barbie!
By the hammer of Thor, we lost to Barbie!

Meanwhile, the Margot Robbie-starrer has also surpassed another Avengers movie, "Avengers: Age of Ultron" in the global category, as it takes over the 14th spot in the list for the highest grossing movies of all time. The movie has now made USD 1.417 billion at the box office.

Oh no, we lost to Barbie in another box office list too!
Oh no, we lost to Barbie in another box office list too!

As for its other achievements, "Barbie" is currently the highest grossing movie of the year, making Gerwig the highest grossing female director.

I'm a Barbie Girl, in a box office world
I'm a Barbie Girl, in a box office world

Related Movies:
Barbie (20 Jul 2023)
Oppenheimer (20 Jul 2023)
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (23 Apr 2015)

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