1 Feb - Shah Rukh Khan has finally broken his silence regarding the controversy surrounding his comeback movie, "Pathaan". The actor, who appeared alongside co-stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham to promote the movie recently, urged the audiences to treat all movies as what it should be - entertainment.
SRK stated that the cast really had fun with each other filming the movie, and that "fun and entertainment" should be left at that. "We all are one. All of us are loving each other and trying to make that love spread just to tell you in a very simple manner... And this is what makes cinema... There are no differences that any of us have for anybody, any culture, any aspect of life. We love you, that's why we make films," he added. Previously, the movie faced threats of boycotts after many accused it of allegedly hurting Hindu sentiments, especially after the release of one of its songs, "Besharam Rang".