Movie Details


Penned by Diablo Cody, the film`s story revolves around Juno, a unique 16-year-old girl. When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, she makes brave call of keeping the baby and finding the "perfect" adoptive parents. In the course of facing some tough decisions, she flirts with adulthood and ultimately comes into her own as a witty and independent teenager.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: NC16
Release Date: 14 Feb 2008
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Running Time: 1 Hour 32 Minutes
Cast: Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner, Olivia Thirlby
Director: Jason Reitman
Format: NA


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Writer: Lai Swee Wei

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Effects: NA

Watch this if you liked: “The Opposite Of Sex”, “Saved!”, “Knocked Up”

"Juno" - it's a story that starts and ends with a chair, revealing so much in between. Ellen Page has done great justice to the witty character of Juno MacGuff, an impregnated 16-year-old know-it-all who finds that she doesn't know a lot when she gets pregnant. Fully aware that she and the would-be husband, nerdy classmate Paulie Bleeker, are ill-equipped in the child-raising department, she seeks the help of her patient father (J. K. Simmons) and dog-loving stepmother (Allison Janney), announcing that she wants to give birth to the baby and then put it up for adoption.

The tone of the story is light and playful without disregarding the importance of the situation. Packing plenty of intelligently structured one-liners (especially from Juno herself) you will no doubt be entertained till the end. Diablo Cody wrote a beautiful script for Juno that does not portray typical teen angst, but of a unique and smart girl who is wise beyond her years and handles her problems with responsibility. Don't get fooled by her using a hamburger as a telephone though!

The film takes us through the four seasons as we observe our young mum deal with the many issues of bearing a baby and finding suitable adoptive parents. Cast wise, I can't think of anyone better than Micheal for the role of the scared but responsible boy in love. Juno's chosen couple, aspiring musician Mark (Jason Bateman) and anxious wannabe-mum Vanessa (Jennifer Garner), bring the story forward.

Scored with many peculiar but catchy songs, it's the perfect touch to match an interesting story with unique characters.

As the film draws to a close, you would have laughed, sniggered and even wept a tear or two for the journey of "Juno".

Cinema Online, 07 January 2009
Effective 15 July 2011
G - Suitable for all ages
PG - Suitable for all ages, but parents should provide guidance to their young
PG13 - Suitable for persons aged 13 and above, but parental guidance is advised for children below 13
NC16 - Suitable for persons aged 16 years and above
M18 - Suitable for persons aged 18 years and above
R21 - Restricted to persons aged 21 and above only
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