Movie Details

Ip Man 3

Donnie Yen reprises his role as Ip Man. This time the titular character finds himself taking a stand against a crooked property developer, played by former professional boxer Mike Tyson, who plans to take over the city with his gang of thugs.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Chinese
Classification: PG13
Release Date: 24 Dec 2015
Genre: Action / Martial Arts
Running Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Distributor: Shaw Organisation
Cast: Donnie Yen, Lynn Xiong, Yu Bo, Mike Tyson
Director: Wilson Yip
Format: 2D

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Writer: Erny Suzira

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: The previous “Ip Man” films

The Good, the Bad and the Real Grandmaster:

Director Wilson Yip finally presents the latest and probably the last instalment of his beloved martial arts film, "Ip Man 3", featuring the talented Donnie Yen as the titular character once again as well as Lynn Xiong as Ip Man's sweet and lovely wife who plays a huge part in the third instalment.

In the third film, Ip Man has to face a new enemy played by former professional boxing champion Mike Tyson who wants to close down the local Chinese school in town, while at the same time, he also has to deal with a new problem that surfaces in his household, causing him to be stuck between choosing his passion for martial arts or his responsibility as a family man.

"Ip Man 3" is highly inspiring, focusing more on the importance of love, family and respect, where the film appropriately portrays Ip Man as the responsible and well-mannered gentleman that we remember from the first two films.

Without a doubt, Donnie Yen is the only man who could ever play the iconic historical Chinese figure so perfectly. Like how Robert Downey Jr. is iconic as Iron Man or Hugh Jackman will always be the one and only Wolverine, there is no one who can do a better job at portraying the legendary Wing Chun Grandmaster other than Donnie Yen.

Featuring excitingly gripping and intense fights, the action scenes were beautifully and flawlessly choreographed, and the tiny details of the techniques are just so awe-inspiring. Donnie Yen is truly a man of talents who not only can act and fight, but can also salsa!

The central theme of the third instalment is simply sweet, beautiful and a tad bit touching, which will make you giggle at the subtle silliness, as well as tear-up at the emotional family conflict. It is definitely the perfect film to sum up the martial arts trilogy.

Look Out For:

• The intense fight between Donnie Yen and Mike Tyson.

Best Watched With:

• Kung Fu fans!


• Mike Tyson was written into the script at the very last minute.

Cinema Online, 21 December 2015
Effective 15 July 2011
G - Suitable for all ages
PG - Suitable for all ages, but parents should provide guidance to their young
PG13 - Suitable for persons aged 13 and above, but parental guidance is advised for children below 13
NC16 - Suitable for persons aged 16 years and above
M18 - Suitable for persons aged 18 years and above
R21 - Restricted to persons aged 21 and above only
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