Movie Details

Hot Pursuit

An uptight and inept female cop is sent on a mission to protect a sexy and outgoing widow of a drug dealer. She must protect the widow from criminals and dirty policemen. Throughout her mission, the female cop races through Texas while being chased by crooked cops and murderous gunmen.

Language: English
Subtitle: Chinese
Classification: NC16
Release Date: 7 May 2015
Genre: Action / Comedy
Running Time: 1 Hour 27 Minutes
Distributor: WARNER BROS
Cast: Sofia Vergara, Reese Witherspoon, Michael Mosley
Director: Anne Fletcher
Format: 2D

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Writer: Cinnamon Lion

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “The Heat”, “Midnight Run”

The Good, the Bad and the Chase:

• Both are great comedic actresses but sadly Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara do not have the chemistry to pull this buddy adventure off.

• The jokes are lazy and repetitive (menstruation, Witherspoon's height, Vergara's accent). They can barely coax any laughter out of the audience and they do not get better with repetition.

• The writers can be blamed for the lazy writing that does not work for a female-centric movie. But Witherspoon and Vergara can also be blamed for agreeing to produce a comedy movie with an unfunny script.


• The North American release date of the film is exactly 28 years after the release of the 1987 film of the same name.

Cinema Online, 12 May 2015
Effective 15 July 2011
G - Suitable for all ages
PG - Suitable for all ages, but parents should provide guidance to their young
PG13 - Suitable for persons aged 13 and above, but parental guidance is advised for children below 13
NC16 - Suitable for persons aged 16 years and above
M18 - Suitable for persons aged 18 years and above
R21 - Restricted to persons aged 21 and above only
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