Movie Details

Kubo And The Two Strings

Set in ancient Japan, a young boy named Kubo lives a quiet and normal life in a small village by the shore, until a spirit from the past appears and wreaks havoc in his life by re-igniting an age-old vendetta. This causes the gods and monsters to chase after Kubo. In order to survive, Kubo must find a magical suit of armour which was once worn by his late father, a legendary Samurai warrior.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: PG
Release Date: 8 Sep 2016
Genre: Animation
Running Time: 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Distributor: United International Pictures
Cast: Art Parkinson, Matthew McConaughey, Charlize Theron, Ralph Fiennes, Brenda Vaccaro
Director: Travis Knight
Format: 2D

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Writer: Cinema Online

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: "Coraline" and "The Little Prince"

The Good, The Bad and The Two Strings:

• Fans of Laika's stop-motion animation like "Coraline, "ParaNorman" and "The Boxtrolls" would highly appreciate "Kubo and the Two Strings" due to its amazing animation style Laika is becoming recognised for.

• The storyline of the film which infuses a Japanese folk tale style and the art of origami is very deep and meaningful as it significantly deals with the themes of loss and acceptance, which is a rarity for an animation to deliver such a poignant message.

• Although the beginning might deceivingly start off at a slow somber pace, it slowly picks up and shifts into a 'treasure hunt' style story.

• The voice cast has been assigned perfectly, especially the unexpected Matthew McConaughey as the Samurai Beetle who delivers plenty of laughs with his character, where Charlize Theron as the Monkey keeps the mission rooted to reality with her authoritative character.

Cinema Online, 14 September 2016
Effective 15 July 2011
G - Suitable for all ages
PG - Suitable for all ages, but parents should provide guidance to their young
PG13 - Suitable for persons aged 13 and above, but parental guidance is advised for children below 13
NC16 - Suitable for persons aged 16 years and above
M18 - Suitable for persons aged 18 years and above
R21 - Restricted to persons aged 21 and above only
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