11 May – Pedro Pascal is set to star in the upcoming new movie from Zach Cregger, the actor-turned-director behind the viral horror flick, "Barbarian". The upcoming movie, "Weapons", penned by Cregger and to be directed by him as well, is described as "an interrelated, multistory horror epic that tonally is in the vein of Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia."
It is noted that "Weapons" had many studios going on a bidding war due to the success of "Barbarian", which won audiences and critics alike when it was released in 2022. Meanwhile, Pascal himself is currently one of the hottest actors in Hollywood since appearing in series like "Narcos" and "Game of Thrones". After playing the bounty hunter Djin Djarin in "The Mandalorian", he was also cast in HBO's hit video game adaptation, "The Last of Us". Pascal is also set to begin shooting for Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" sequel soon.