31 May – Despite facing competition from major blockbusters during its opening weekend, local comedy drama "Young and Fabulous" successfully nabbed the third spot at the weekend box office. The movie places in the top three among Hollywood movies "X-Men: Apocalypse", which spent its second week at the top spot, and "The Angry Birds Movie", which opened last weekend at number two. Moreover, in just 4 days since its 26 May release, "Young and Fabulous" has managed to collect SGD313,900 at the local box office. "It's a huge boost to us that "Young and Fabulous" is able to maintain this level of box office success during the opening weekend, despite the strong competition," said director and producer Joyce Lee in a statement. "We're delighted to know that "Young and Fabulous" has left an impression on the local audiences' minds, especially for the youths. This is what "Young and Fabulous" is about-to inspire youths and to encourage them to not be afraid to follow their dreams, no matter how unconventional they may be." The movie stars Aloysius Pang ("Timeless Love") as Royston Chio, Joshua Tan ("Ah Boys to Men") as Hao Ren and Malaysian singer, Joyce Chu, in her film debut as Violet Ong. Also part of the cast are Gurmit Singh ("Phua Chu Kang The Movie"), Henry Thia ("Long Long Time Ago"), Singapore-based Taiwanese actress Quan Yi Fong and more.