21 Dec - SS Rajamouli recently revealed that the sequel to his hit movie, "RRR" is currently underway. The filmmaker, who spoke to Variety recently, shared that his father and screenwriter Vijayendra Prasad is currently writing the screenplay, which will have the two heroes Komaram Bhem and Alluri Sitarama Raju returning for another battle against British colonisers.
Rajamouli added that the topic came about again after the success they enjoyed globally, and that it was his cousin, MM Keeravani who came up with what they deemed a great idea. "At present, [my father] is seriously working on the story; he's getting it done. But once this script is done is when we really look into how to make it, when to make it, and how to bring it onto the screen," he added. Earlier this week, the movie succeeded in breaking a record held for many years by Rajinikanth's "Muthu" at the Japanese box office.